Glossary of Automotive Acronyms

A - Amperes

A/C - Air Conditioning

A/CL BIMET - Air Cleaner Bi-Metal Sensor

A/CL DV - Air Cleaner Duct and Valve Vacuum Motor

A/D - Analog to Digital Converter

A/F - Air Fuel Ratio

A/T - Automatic Transmission

A4R70W - Automatic Overdrive Electronic Wide Ration Transmission

AAC - Auxiliary Air Control Valve

AAT - Ambient Air Temperature

AAV - Anti-Afterburn Valve (Mazda)

ABCV - Airbleed Control Valve (Ford)

ABS - Antilock Brake System

ABSV - Air Bypass Solenoid Valve (Mazda)

ABV - Air Bypass Valve

AC - Alternating Current

ACC - Automatic Climate Control

ACC - Air Conditioning Clutch

ACCS - A/C Cycling Clutch Switch

ACD - Air Conditioning Demand Switch

ACON - Air Conditioning On Signal

ACP - Air Conditioning Pressure Signal

ACPSW - Air Conditioning Pressure Switch

ACR - Air Conditioning Relay

ACR4 - Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Recovery, Recycling, Recharging

ACT - Air Charge Temperature

ACV - Air Control Valve

ADU - Analog-Digital Unit

AFC - Air Flow Control

AFM - Air Flow Meter

AFR - Air Fuel Ratio

AFS - Air Flow Sensor (Mitsubishi)

AIR - Secondary Air Injection System

AIRB - Air Bypass Solenoid

AIRD - AIR Diverter Solenoid

AIS - Air Injection System (Chrysler)

AIS - Automatic Idle Speed

AIV - Air Injection Valve

ALC - Automatic Level Control

ALCL - Assembly Line Communications Link (GM)

ALDL - Assembly Line Data Link

ALT - Alternator (replaced with GEN)

AM1 - Air Management 1, AIR Bypass

AM2 - Air Management 2, AIR Diverter

AMB - Ambient

AOD - Automatic Overdrive

AODE - Automatic Overdrive Electronic Transmission

AODE-W - Automatic Overdrive Electronic Wide (ratio transmission)

AP - Accelerator Pedal

APC - Automatic Performance Control

APCM - Auxiliary Powertrain Control Module

API - Application Programming Interface

APS - Absolute Pressure Sensor (GM)

APS - Atmospheric Pressure Sensor (Mazda)

APT - Adjustable part Throttle

ARC - Automatic Ride Control

ARS - Automatic Restraint System

ASARC - Air Suspension Automatic Ride Control

ASCII - American Standard for Character Information Interchange

ASD - Automatic Shutdown Relay

ASDM - Airbag System Diagnostic Module (Chrysler)

ASE - Automotive Service Excellence

ASM - Acceleration Simulation Mode

ASR - Acceleration Slip Regulation

ATC - Automatic Temperature Control

ATDC - After Top Dead Center

ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid

ATM - Actuator Test Mode

ATP - Automotive Telemetry Protocol

ATS - Air Temperature Sensor (Chrysler)

ATX - Automatic Transaxle

AVOM - Analog Volt / Ohm Meter

AWD - All Wheel Drive

AWG - American Wire Gage'

AX4S - Automatic 4-Speed Trans.

AXOD - Automatic Overdrive Transaxle

AXOD-E - Automatic Overdrive Transaxle - Electronically Controlled

B/MAP - Barometric/Manifold Absolute Pressure

B+ - Battery Positive Voltage

BAC - Bypass Air Control Valve

BARO - Barometric Pressure

BAT - Battery

BC - Blower Control

BCM - Body Control Module

BEV - Barrier Equivalent Velocity (crash testing)

BHP - Brake Horsepower

BHS - Bimetal Heat Sensor (Ford)

BID - Breakerless Inductive Discharge (AMC)

BLM - Block Learn Multiplier (replaced with LT FUEL TRIM)

BMAP - Barometric/Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (Ford)

BOB - Breakout Box

BOO - Brake On / Off Switch

BP - Barometric Pressure

BPA - Mechanical Bypass Air

BPCSV - Bypass Control Solenoid Valve

BPP - Brake Pedal Position Switch

BPS - Back Pressure Sensor

BPT - Back-Pressure Transducer

BPV - Bypass Valve (Ford)

BPW - Brake Pulse Width

BSV - Backfire Suppressor (Ford)

BTDC - Before Top Dead Center

BTS - Battery Temperature Sensor

BTSI - Brake Transmission Shift Interlock

Btu - British Thermal Unit

BUS N - Bus Negative

BUS P - Bus Positive

BV - Bowl Vent Port (Ford)

BVSV - Bi-Metal Vent Control Valve

BVT - Backpressure Variable Transducer System (Ford)

C - Carbon

C - Celsius

C.A.R.B. - California Air Resource Board

C3 - Computer Command Control System (GM)

C3I - Computer Controlled Coil Ignition

C4 - Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter System (GM)

CAC - Charge Air Cooler

CAI - Controlled Auto Ignition

CAN - Controller Area Network

CANP - EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid

CARB - Carburetor

CAS - Crank Angle Sensor

CAS - Clean Air System

CAS - Creep Aid System (automatic transmissions)

CASE - Cranking Angle Sensing Error

CBD - Closed Bowl Distributor

CC - Catalytic Converter

CC - Climate Control

CC - Cruise Control

CC - Cubic Centimeters

CCC - Computer Command Control System (GM)

CCC - Converter Clutch Control

CCD - Computer Controlled Dwell

CCD - Chrysler Collision Detection

CCDIC - Climate Control Driver Information Center

CCEI - Coolant Controlled Idle Enrichment (Chrysler)

CCEV - Coolant Controlled Engine Vacuum Switch (Chrysler)

CCM - Continuous Component Monitor

CCM - Central Control Module

CCM - Comprehensive Component Monitor

CCNT, DTC CCNT - Count Code

CCO - Converter Clutch Override

CCOT - Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube

CCP - Controlled Canister Purge (GM)

CCP - Climate Control Panel

CCRM - Constant Control Relay Module

CCS - Coast Clutch Solenoid

CCSP - Carbon Canister Storage/Purge

CCV - Canister Control Valve

CDCV - Canister Drain Cut Valve

CDI - Capacitor Discharge Ignition (AMC)

CDR - Chrysler Diagnostic Readout

CDRV - Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve

CE - Commutator End

CEAB - Cold Engine Air Bleed

CEC - Crankcase Emission Control System (Honda)

CECU - Central Electronic Control Unit (Nissan)

CEL - Check Engine Light

CER - Cold Enrichment Rod (Ford)

CES - Clutch Engage Switch

CESS - Cold Engine Sensor Switch

CFC - Chlorofluorocarbons

CFI - Central Fuel Injection

CFI - Continuous Fuel Injection

CFM - Cubic Feet Per Minute

CFV - Critical Flow Venturi

CHM - Cold Mixture Heater

CID - Cylinder Identification Signal

CID - Cubic Inch Displacement

CIS - Continuous Injection System (Bosch)

CKP - Crankshaft Position Sensor

CKP REF - Crankshaft Position Reference

CKT - Circuit

CL - Closed Loop

CLC - Converter Lockup Clutch (replaced with TCC)

CLCC - Closed Loop Carburetor Control

CLNT - Coolant

CLV - Calculated Load Value

CMFI - Central Multi-port Fuel Injection

CMP - Camshaft Position Sensor

CMP REF - Camshaft Position Reference

CO - Carbon Monoxide

CO2 - Carbon Dioxide

COC - Conventional Oxidation Catalyst (Ford)

COLPAS - Column-Integrated Power-Assisted Steering

COP - Coil On Plug Electronic Ignition

CP - Crankshaft Position Sensor (Ford)

CP - Canister Purge (GM)

CPA - Connector Position Assurance

CPI - Central Port Fuel Injection

CPP - Clutch Pedal Position

CPS - Central Power Supply

CPSOV - Canister Purge Shut Off Valve (Ford)

CPU - Central Processing Unit

CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check

CRK - Cranking Signal

CRS - Common Rail System

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube

CSC - Coolant Spark Control (Ford)

CSE GND - PCM Case Ground

CSF - Crankshaft Speed Fluctuation Sensor

CSSA - Cold Start Spark Advance System (Ford)

CSSH - Cold Start Spark Hold System (Ford)

CTAV - Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum Switch (Ford)

CTM - Central Timer Module

CTO - Clean Tachometer Output

CTO - Coolant Temperature Override

CTOX - Continuous Trap Oxidizer

CTP - Closed Throttle Position

CTS - Charge Temperature Switch (Chrysler)

CTS - Coolant Temperature Sensor

CTVS - Closed Throttle Vacuum Switch

CV - Control Valve

CV - Constant Velocity

CVCC - Compound Vortex Controlled Combustion System (Honda)

CVD - Cylinder Valve Deactivation

CVR - Control Vacuum Regulator (Ford)

CVS - Constant Volume Sampler

CVTC - Continuous Valve Timing Control

CVTS - Continuous Variable Tumble System (engine combustion)

CWM-Ford - Cold Weather Modulator (Ford)

DAB - Delayed Accessory Bus

dB - Decibels

DC - Duty Cycle

DC - Direct Current

DCISCA - DC Motor Idle Speed Actuator

DCL - Data Communication Link

DDD - Dynamic Data Display

DDL - Diagnostic Data Link

DDL - Diagnostic Information Base

DE - Drive End

DEC - Digital Electronic Controller

DEFI - Digital Electronic Fuel Injection (Cadillac)

DEPS - Digital Engine Position Sensor

DERM - Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module

DFCO - Decel Fuel Cutoff Mode

DFI - Direct Fuel Injection

DFS - Decel Fuel Shutoff

DI - Distributor Ignition (System)

DI - Direct Ignition

DIB - Diagnostic Information Base

DIC - Driver Information Center

DICM - Distributor Ignition Control Module

DIS - Direct Ignition (Waste Spark)

DITDES - Desired Dynamic Injection Timing

DLC - Data Link Connector (OBD)

DLL - Dynamic Link Library

DM - Drive Motor

DMCM - Drive Motor Control Module

DMCT - Drive Motor Coolant Temperature

DMPI Module - Drive Motor Power Inverter Module

DMS - Distributor Modulator System

DOHC - Dual Overhead Cam

DOL - Data Output Line to IPC

DPC - Dynamic Pressure Control

DPFE - Differential Pressure Feedback

DPI - Fuel Plug Inhibit

DRB II - Diagnostic Readout Box (Chrysler)

DRCV - Distributor Retard Control Valve

DREAMS - Digital Room Enlargement Automotive Sound

DRFS - Demand-Regulated Fuel Supply

DRL - Daytime Running Lights

DSBP - Driver Seat Belt Pretensioner

DSO - Digital Storage Oscilloscope

DSR - Ford Diagnostic Subroutine

DSS - Downshift Solenoid

DSSA - Dual Signal Spark Advance (Ford)

DSV - Deceleration Solenoid Valve

DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code

DTC FRZ - Diagnostic Trouble Code Freeze Frame

DTM - Diagnostic Test Mode

DTVS - Dual Temperature Vacuum Switch

DV - Delay Valve

DVAC - Distributor Vacuum Advance Control Valve

DVDSV - Differential Vacuum Delay and Separator Valve

DVDV - Distributor Vacuum Delay Valve

DVOM - Digital Volt-Ohmmeter

DV-TW - Relay Valve Two Way

DVVV - Distributor Vacuum Vent Valve

E4OD - Electronic 4-Speed Overdrive

EAC - Electronic Air Control (replaced with AIR)

EACV - Electronic Air Control Valve

EAIR - Electronic Secondary Air Injection

EBCM - Electronic Brake Control Module

EBP - Exhaust Back :Pressure

EBTCM - Electronic Brake T/C Module

EC - Engine Control

ECA - Electronic Control Assembly (Ford)

ECC - Electronic Climate Control

ECCS - Electronic Concentrated Control System

ECI - Extended Compressor at Idle

ECIT - Electronic Control Ignition Timing

ECL - Engine Coolant Level

ECM - Engine/Electronic Control Module

ECO - Electronically Controlled Orifice (power steering)

ECS - Evaporation Control System (Chrysler)

ECS - Emission Control System

ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature

ECU - Electronic Control Unit

ECU - Electronic Control Unit

EDF - Electro-Drive Fan

EDIS - Electronic Direct Ignition System (replaced with EI)

EDM - Electronic Distributor Modulator (Ford)

EEC - Electronic Engine Control (Ford)

EEC-I - Control of Ignition Timing

EEC-II - Control of Ignition Timing and Fuel Delivery Through a Feed Carburetor System

EEC-III - Control of Ignition Timing and Fuel Delivery Through a Central Fuel Injection System

EEC-IV - Control of Ignition Timing and Fuel Delivery Through an Electronic Fuel Injection System

EECS - Evaporative Emission Control System

EEGR - Electronic EGR (Solenoid)

EEGR Monitor - Electronic EGR Test

EEPROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EESS - Evaporative Emission Shed System (Ford)

EEVIR - Evaporator Equalized Values in Receiver

EFC - Electronic Feedback Carburetor (Chrysler)

EFC - Electronic Fuel Control

EFCA - Electronic Fuel Control Assembly (Ford)

EFE - Early Fuel Evaporation

EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection

EFT - Engine Fuel Temperature

EFV - Early Fuel Evaporation

EGC - Exhaust Gas Check Valve (Ford)

EGO - Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (Ford)

EGOR - EGO Signal Return (Ford)

EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation

EGR Monitor - OBDII EGR Test

EGR TVV - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Thermal Vacuum Valve

EGRB - EGR Boost Sensor

EGRC - EGR Control Solenoid (Ford)

EGRC-BPT - EGR Control Back Pressure Transducer

EGRPS - EGR Valve Position Sensor (Mazda)

EGRT - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature

EGRV - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Vent Solenoid

EGTS - Exhaust Gas Temperature Switch (replaced with EGRT)

EH - Electro-Hydraulic

EI - Integrated Electronic Ignition System

EICV - Electronic Idle Control Valve

ELB - Electronic Lean Burn (Chrysler)

ELC - Electronic Level Control

ELCD - Evaporative Loss Control Device

EM - Engine Modification

EMB - Electromagnetic Brakes

EMF - Electromotive Force (voltage)

EMI - Electromagnetic Interference

EMR - Electronic Module Retard

EMVT - Electro-Mechanical Valve Train

EN - Generator (Alternator)

EOBD - European On Board Diagnostics

EOP - Engine Oil Pressure

EOS - Exhaust Oxygen Sensor

EOT - Engine Oil Temperature

EP - Exhaust Pressure

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

EPC - Electronic Pressure Control

EPOS - EGR Valve Position Sensor (Ford)

EPR - Exhaust Pressure Regulator Valve

EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EPT - EGR Pressure Transducer (replaced with PFE)

ESA - Electronic Spark Advance (Chrysler)

ESC - Electronic Spark Control System (Ford)

ESD - Electrostatic Discharge

ESS - Electronic Spark Selection (Cadillac)

ESS - Engine Start-Stop

EST - Electronic Spark Timing

ETC - Electronic Temperature Control

ETP - EGR Pressure Transducer

ETR - Electronically Tuned Receiver

EVAP - Evaporative Emissions System

EVAP CP - Evaporative Canister Purge

EVAP CV - Evaporative Emissions System Canister Vent

EVIC - Electronic Vehicle Information Center

EVO - Electronic Vehicle Orifice

EVP - EGR Valve Position Sensor

EVR - EGR Vacuum Regulator

EXH - Exhaust

EZEE - Equal to Zero Emissions Engine

F4WD - Full Time Four Wheel Drive

FAN - Cooling Fan (Low or High Speed)

FBC - Feedback Carburetor

FBCA - Feedback Carburetor Actuator (Ford)

FC - Fan Control

FCA - Fuel Control Assembly (Chrysler)

FCM - Fan Control Module

FCS - Fuel Control Solenoid (Ford)

FDBK - Feedback

FDC - Fuel Deceleration Valve (Ford)

FDV - Fuel Decel Valve (Ford)

FEEPROM - Flash Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

FEPROM - Flash Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

FF - Flexible Fuel

FFFP - Fuel-Flexible Fuel Processor

FI - Fuel Injector

FIC - Fast Idle Control

FICD - Fast Idle Control Device

FIPL - Fuel Injection Pump Lever

FLC - Fluid Lock-up Converter (Ford)

FLS - Fluid Level Sensor (GM)

FM - Fan Motor Program in PCM

FMEM - Failure Mode Effect Management

FMVSS - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

FOM - Fix Operating Mode (Limp Mode)

FP - Fuel Pump Relay (Ford)

FP - Fuel Pump

FPM - Fuel Pump Monitor (in PCM)

FPRC - Fuel Pump Regulator Control

FRC - Forced

FRP - Fuel Rail Pressure

FRT - Fuel Rail Temperature

FRZ - Freeze Frame

FT - Fuel Trim

FTL - Fuel Tank Level Sensor

FTO - Filtered Tachometer Output

FTP - Fuel Tank Pressure

FTT - Fuel Tank Temperature

FWD - Front Wheel Drive

g/sec - Grams per Second

GA - Gage

GCM - Governor Control Module

GCW - Gross Combination Weight

GDC - Fuel Data Center

GDI - Gasoline Direct Injection

GEM - Generic Electronic Module

GEN - Generator (Alternator)

GND - Electrical Ground Connection

GOOSE - Brief Throttle Open/Close

GPM - Grams Per Mile

GPS - Governor Pressure Sensor

GST - Generic Scan Tool

GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight

H - Hydrogen

H/CMPR - High Compression

H2O - Water

HAC - High Altitude Compensator

HAIS - Heated Air Intake System (Chrysler)

HBV - Heater Blower Voltage

HC - Hydrocarbons

HCDS - High Clutch Drum Speed

HCV - Hydrocarbon (Ford)

HCV - Exhaust Heat Control Valve (Ford)

HD - Heavy Duty

HDC - Heavy Duty Cooling

HDR-CKP - High Data Rate CKP Sensor

HEGO - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor

HEI - High Energy Ignition (GM)

HFC - High (speed) Fan Control

HFP - High Fuel Pump (Relay) Control

Hg - Mercury

HIC - Hot-Idle Compensator (Ford)

HLOS - Hardware Limited Operation System

HO - High Output

HO2S - Heated Oxygen Sensor

HO2S-1-1 - Bank One Sensor One Signal

HO2S-1-2 - Bank One Sensor Two Signal

HO2S-1-3 - Bank One Sensor Three Signal

HO2S-2-1 - Bank Two Sensor One Signal

HO2S-2-2 - Bank Two Sensor Two Signal

hp - Horsepower

HPC - High Pressure Cutoff

HPL - High Pressure Liquid

HPS - High Performance System

HPV - High Pressure Vapor

HSC - High Swirl Combustion

HSV - Hill Start Valve (mechanical clutch)

HT - High Tension

HUB - Hub Unit Bearing

HUD - Heads Up Display

HVAC - Heater Ventilation and Air Conditioning

HVACM - Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning Module

HVS - High Voltage Switch

Hz - Hertz

I/M - Inspection and Maintenance

I/O - Input / Output

I/P - Instrument Panel

IA - Intake Air

IAC - Idle Air Control (motor or solenoid)

IACV - Idle Air Control Valve

IAS - Inlet Air Solenoid (Ford)

IAT - Intake Air Temperature

IBP - Integral Back Pressure

IBS - Intelligent Brake System

IC - Integrated Circuit

IC - Ignition Control

ICM - Ignition Control Module

ICP - Injection Control Pressure

ICS - Idle Control Solenoid (GM)

ID - Inside Diameter

IDI - Integrated Direct Ignition

IDL - Idle Position Switch

IDM - Injector Driver Module

IDM - Ignition Diagnostic Monitor

IFI - Indirect Fuel Injection

IFR - In-Frame Response

IFS - Inertia Fuel Switch

IGN - Ignition

IGN ADV - Ignition Advance

IGN GND - Ignition Ground

ILC - Idle Load Compensator

IMA - Idle Mixture Adjuster

IMRC - Intake Manifold Runner Control

IMS - Ignition Module Signal

IMS - Inferred Mileage Sensor (Ford)

IMT - Intake Manifold Timing

INJ 1 to INJ 10 - Fuel Injectors 1 to 10

INT - Integrator (replaced with ST FUEL TRIM)

IOCTL - Input / Output Control

IPC - Instrument Panel Cluster

IPR - Injector Pressure Regulator

IRCM - Integrated Relay Control Module

ISA - Idle Speed Actuator

ISC - Idle Speed Control

ISO - International Standard of Organization

ISS - Input Shaft Speed

ISS - Instant Start System (diesel engine)

ITA - Ignition Timing Adjustment

ITCS - Ignition Timing Control System (Honda)

ITS - Idle Tracking Switch

IVPWR - EEC-Measured Battery Voltage

IVS - Idle Validation Switch

IVSC - Integrated Vehicle Speed Control

IVV - Idle Vacuum Valve (Ford)

JAS - Jet Air System (Mitsubishi)

JSV - Jet Mixture Solenoid Valve

KAM - Keep Alive Memory

KAPWR - Direct Battery Power

KD - Kickdown

KDLH - Kickdown Low Hold

Kg/cm2 - Kilograms/ Cubic Centimeters

kHz - Kilohertz

Km - Kilometers

KOEC - Key On, Engine Cranking

KOEO - Key On, Engine Off

KOER - Key On, Engine Running

KPA - Kilopascal

KS - Knock Sensor

KSM - Knock Sensor Module

KWP - Keyword Protocol

L - Liters

L4 - Four Cylinder Inline Engine

LAMBSE - Short Term Fuel Trim

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display

LDP - Leak Detection Pump

LDVSP - Light-Duty Vehicle Surveillance Program

LED - Light Emitting Diode

LFC - Low Fan Control

LFP - Low Speed Fuel Pump Control

LHD - Left Hand Drive

LOAD - Calculated Load Value

LOC - Light Off Catalyst

LONGFT - Long Term Fuel Trim

LOOP - Engine Operating Loop Status

LOS - Limited Operating Strategy

LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas

LSS - Linear Shift Solenoid

LTFT - Long Term Fuel Trim

LTFT - Long-Term Fuel Trim

LTS - Low Coolant Switch

LUS - Lock-Up Solenoid

LV8 - Load Variable

LWB - Long Wheel Base

M/C - Mixture Control

M/T - Manual Transmission

MAF - Mass Air Flow Sensor

MAF RTN - Mass Airflow Sensor Ground

MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor

MAS - Mixture Adjust Screw

MAT - Manifold Air Temperature

MC - Mixture Control

MCS - Mixture Control Solenoid (GM)

MCT - Manifold Charge Temperature Sensor (Ford)

MCU - Microprocessor Control Unit (Ford)

MCV - Manifold Control Valve (Ford)

MDB - Moving Deformable Barrier (crash testing)

MDP - Manifold Differential Pressure

MECS - Mazda Electronic Control System

MEMCAL - Memory Calibration

MFDES - Desired Mass of Fuel as Determined by the EEC Strategy

MFI - Multiport Fuel Injection

MGP - Manifold Gauge Pressure = MAP - BP

MIC - Mechanical Instrument Cluster

MICE - Multimedia Information Communications and Entertainment

MIL - Malfunction Indicator Lamp

MISAR - Microprocessed Sensing and Automatic Regulation (GM)

MLP - Manual Lever Position

MLP - Manual Lever Position (sensor)

MLS - Multi-Layer Steel

MLUS - Modulated Lock Up Solenoid or its Control Circuit (Ford)

MLVLPS - Manual Valve Lever Position

MODE - Engine Operation Mode, 0 = No Start, 1 = Crank, 2 = Run

MPFI - Multi-Port Fuel Injection

MPG - Miles Per Gallon

MPH - Miles Per Hour

MPI - Multi Port Injection

mS or ms - Millisecond

MSFF - Miles Since First Fail

MSIG - Multiple Spark-Ignition Gasket

MSLF - Miles Since Last Fail

MST - Manifold Surface Temperature

MT - Manual Transmission

MTV - Manifold Tune Valve

mV or mv - Milivolt

MVLPS - Manual Valve Lever Position

MVZ - Manifold Vacuum Zone

N - Nitrogen

N.C. - Normally Closed Position

N.O. - Normally Open Position

N/MIL - A Code Set Without a MIL Request

N/V - Input Shaft Speed to Vehicle Speed

NCAPS - Non-Contact Angular Position Sensor

NCRPS - Non-Contact Rotary Position Sensor

NDIR - Non Dispersive Infrared

NDS - Neutral Drive Switch

NGS - Neutral Gear Switch (Ford)

NGV - Natural Gas Vehicles

Nm - Newton Meters

NOx - Oxides of Nitrogen

NTC - Negative Temperature Coefficient

NVRAM - Non Volatile Random Access Memory

O2 - Oxygen

O2S-11 - Oxygen Sensor Signal (Bank 1)

O2S-21 - Oxygen Sensor Signal (Bank 2)

OASIS - Ford Motor Company Online Automotive Service Information System

OBD I - On Board Diagnostics Version I

OBD II - On Board Diagnostics Version II

OBD STAT - On Board Diagnostic System Status

OBEM - On-Board Emissions Measurement

OC - Oxidation Catalytic Converter

OCC - Output Circuit Check (Ford)

OCIL - Overdrive Cancel Indicator Lamp

OCS - Overdrive Cancel Switch

OCT ADJ - Octane Adjust Fuel Switch

OD - Overdrive

OD - Outside Diameter

ODM - Output Device Monitor

ODS - Overdrive Drum Speed

OE - Original Equipment

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

OHC - Overhead Cam Engine

OHV - Over Head Valve

OL - Open Loop

OLM - Oil Life Monitor

ORC - Oxidation Reduction Converter

OS - Oxygen Sensor

OSAC - Orifice Spark Advance Control (Chrysler)

OSC - Output State Check (Ford)

OSI - Open System Interconnect

OSM - Output State Monitor

OSS - Output Speed Shaft

OTIS - Overhead Travel Information System

OVCV - Outer Vent Control Valve

P/B - Power Brakes

P/E - Power Enrichment

P/N - Part Number

P/S - Power Steering

PA - Pressure Air (Honda)

PAFS - Pulse Air Feeder System (Chrysler)

PAIR - Pulsed Secondary Air Injection

PAS - passive Anti-Theft System

PAS - Power Assisted Steering

PASE - Passive Start and Entry (security system)

PASS - Personalized Automotive Security System

PC - Personal Computer

PC - Pressure Control

PCB - Printed Circuit Board

PCI - Programmable Communications Interface

PCM - Powertrain Control Module

PCO - Pressure Controlled Orifice (power steering)

PCS - Pressure Control Solenoid

PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation

PECV - Power Enrichment Control Valve

PF - Purge Flow Sensor

PFE - Pressure Feedback EGR Sensor

PFI - Port Fuel Injection

PFI - Port Fuel Injection (GM)

PGM-FI - Programmed Gas Management Fuel Injection (Honda)

PID - Parameter Identification Location

PID SUP - Parameter Identification Supported

PIP - Profile Ignition Pickup Signal

PIV - Peak Inverse Voltage

PKE - Passive Keyless Entry

PMD - Pump Mounted Driver

PNP - Par Neutral Position

POT - Potentiometer

PPM - Parts Per Minute

PPS - Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor

PPS - Ported Pressure Switch (Ford)

PR - Pressure Relief

PRC - Pressure Regulator Control

PRNDL - Switch

PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory

PS - Power Steering

PSA - Pressure Switch Assembly

PSC - Power Steering Control

PSI - Pounds Per Square Inch

PSOM - Programmable Speedometer Odometer Module

PSOV - Purge Shut Off Valve (Ford)

PSP - Power Steering Pressure (switch)

PSPS - Power Steering Pressure Switch

PTC - Positive Temperature Coefficient Resistor

PTO - Power Take Off (4WD Option)

PTOX - Periodic Trap Oxidizer

PTU - Part Throttle Unlock

PVA - Ported Vacuum Advance

PVS - Ported Vacuum Switch

PWM - Pulse Width Modulation

PWM - Pulse Width Modulation

PWR GND - Power Ground for PCM

QDM - Quad Driver Module

RABS - Rear Antilock Brake System

RAM - Random Access Memory

RAP - Retained Access Power

RBS - Regenerative Braking system

RECAL - Calibration Adjustment

REDOX - Reduction Oxidation Converter

REF - Reference

RFCSS - Rear-Facing Child Safety Seat

RFI - Radio Frequency Interference

RHD - Right Hand Drive

RKE - Remote Keyless Entry

RM - Relay Module

ROM - Read Only Memory

RON - Rated Octane Number

RPC - Remote Parameter Test

RPM - Revolutions Per Minute

RPT - Reference Performance Test

RRS - Variable Reluctance Sensor

RTD - Real Time Dampening

RTN - Dedicated Sensor Ground Circuit

RTV - Room Temperature Vulcanizing

RVP - Reid Vapor Pressure

RWAL - Rear Wheel Anti-Lock

RWD - Rear Wheel Drive

S4WD - Selectable Four Wheel Drive

SAE - Viscosity Grade

SA-FV - Separator Assembly Fuel/Vacuum

SAVM - Spark Advance Vacuum Modulator

SAW - Spark Angle Work

SBDS - Service Bay Diagnostic System

SBEC - Single Board Engine Controller (replaced with PCM0

SBS - Boost Solenoid (Ford)

SBT - Serial Bus Traveler

SC - Supercharged Engine

SCAP - Silicone Capacitance Absolute Pressure Sensor (Ford)

SCARES - Selective Car Audio Receptive Evaluation System

SCB - Supercharger Bypass

SCC - Spark Control Computer (Chrysler)

SCF - Steering Characteristic Function

SCI - Serial Communications Interface

SCP - Standard Corporate Protocol

SCP - Standard Corporate Protocol

SDI - Saab Direct Ignition

SDM - Sensing Diagnostic Module

SDV - Spark Deceleration Valve

SDV - Spark Delay Valve

SEFI - Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection

SEO - Special Equipment Option

SES - Service Engine Soon (replaced with MIL)

SFI - Sequential Fuel Injection

SHED - Sealed Housing Evaporative Determination System

SHO - Super High Output Engine

SHRT FT - Short Term Fuel Trim

SHRTFT1 - Short Term Fuel Trim Bank 1

SIG RTN - Signal Return (sensor ground)

SIL - Shift Indicator Lamp

SIPS - Side Impact Protections System

SIR - Supplemental Inflatable Restraint

SIS - Solenoid Idle Stop

SMEC - Single Module Engine Controller (replaced with PCM)

SMPI - Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection (Chrysler)

SO2 - Sulfur Dioxide

SOHC - Single Overhead Cam

SPD - Speed

SPFI - Single Point Fuel Injection (throttle body)

SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface

SPL - Smoke Puff Limiter

SPOUT - Spark Output Signal

SPS - Service Programming System

SPS - Service Programming System

SRC - Selective Ride Control

SRDV - Spark Retard Delay Valve

SRI - Service Reminder Indicator

SRR - Short-Range Radar

SRS - Spark Retard Solenoid

SRS - Supplemental Restraint System (air bag)

SRT - System Readiness Test

SS - Speed Sensor (Honda)

SS1, SS2,etc. - Shift Solenoid 1, 2, etc.

SSI - Solid State Ignition (Ford)

ST - Scan Tool

STAR - Self Test Automatic Readout

STFT - Short-Term Fuel Trim

STI - Self Test Input

STI - Self-Test Input (Ford)

STO - Self Test Output

STO - Self-Test Output (Ford)

STS - Service Throttle System (lamp)

SUSP - Suspension System Module

SVV - Solenoid Vent Valve (Ford)

SWB - Short Wheel Base

TA - Temperature Air (Honda)

TAB - Thermactor Air Bypass

TAC - Throttle Actuator Control

TAC - Thermostatic Air Cleaner (GM)

TACH - Tachometer

TAD - Thermactor Air Diverter

TAP - Transmission Adaptive Pressure

TAV - Temperature Actuated Vacuum

TBI - Throttle Body Injection

TC - Turbocharger

TCA - Thermostat Controlled Air Cleaner

TCC - Torque Converter Clutch

TCCP - Torque Converter Clutch Pressure

TCCS - Toyota Computer Controlled System

TCI - Turbocharger and Intercooler

TCIL - Transmission Control Indicator Lamp

TCM - Transmission Control Module

TCP - Temperature Compensated Accelerator Pump (Ford)

TCP - Torque Charger

TCS - Transmission Controlled Spark (GM)

TCS - Traction Control Switch

TCS - Transmission Control Switch

TD - Turbo Diesel

TDC - Top Dead Center

TDI - Turbo Direct Injection

TE - Thermal Expansion

TFP - Transmission Fluid Pressure

TFP - Throttle Fluid Pressure

TFT - Transmission Fluid Temperature

THM - Turbo Hydra-Matic

TI - Transistorized Ignition System

TIC - Thermal Ignition Control (Chrysler)

TIR - Total Internal Reflector (headlights)

TIS - Toyota Information System

TIV - Thermactor Idle Vacuum Valve (Ford)

TK - Throttle Kicker Actuator (Ford)

TKS - Throttle Kicker Solenoid

TLA - Three-Layer Acronym

TOT - Transmission Oil Temperature

TP - Throttle Position

TP Mode - Throttle Position Mode

TPCV - Tank Pressure Control Valve

TPI - Tuned Port Injection

TPM - Tire Pressure Monitor

TPP - Throttle Position Potentiometer

TPS - Throttle Position Sensor

TPT - Throttle Position Transducer (Chrysler)

TR - Transmission Range Sensor

TRLHP - Thermal Vacuum Valve

TRS, TRS+1 - Transmission Regulated Spark Control System

TSB - Technical Service Bulletin

TSP - Throttle Solenoid Positioner (Ford)

TSS - Turbine Speed Shaft Sensor

TSS - Transmission Shaft Speed Sensor

TV - Throttle Valve

TVS - Temperature Vacuum Switch

TVV - Thermal Vent Valve (Ford)

TWC - Three Way Catalyst

TWC + OC - Three Way Catalyst

UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter

UD - Underdrive

UHEGO - Universal Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen-Sensor

UIDI - Up-Integrated Direct Ignition

USB - Universal Serial Bus

V - Volts

VAC - Vacuum

VAF - Volume Air Flow

VAF - Vane Airflow Meter

VAT - Vane Air Temperature Sensor

VATS - Vehicle AntiTheft System

VBAT - Vehicle (system) Battery Voltage

VCC - Vacuum Cut Control Solenoid

VCI - Vehicle Calibration Identification

VCM - Vehicle Control Module

VCRM - Variable Control Relay Module

VCTS - Vacuum Control Temperature Sensing Valve (Ford)

VCV - Vacuum Control Valve (Ford)

VDOT - Variable Displacement Orifice Tube

VDV - Vacuum Delay Valve

VDV - Vacuum Differential Valve (Ford)

VECI - Vehicle Emission Control Information Decal

VF - Vacuum Fluorescent

VFDES - Desired Volume of Fuel as Determined by the EEC Strategy

VIM - Vehicle Interface Module

VIN - Vehicle Identification Number

VIPER - Vehicle Initial Performance Evaluation Register

VIS - Variable Induction System

VLCM - Variable Load Control Module

VMV - Vapor Management Valve (EVAP)

VMV - Vacuum Modulator Valve

VNT - Variable Nozzle Turbocharger

VOTM - Vacuum Operated Throttle Modulator (Ford)

VPW - Variable Pulse Width

VPWM - Variable Pulse Width Modulated

VPWR - Ignition Switched Power

VR - Voltage Regulator

VR/S - Vacuum Regulator/Solenoid (Ford)

VRDV - Vacuum Retard Delay Valve (Ford)

VREF - Reference Voltage (from PCM)

VRESER - Vacuum Reservoir (Ford)

VREST - Vacuum Restrictor (Ford)

VRIS - Variable Resonance Induction System

VRS - Variable Reluctance Sensor

VRV - Vacuum Regulator Valve (Ford)

VSS - Vehicle Speed Sensor

VVA - Venturi Vacuum Amplifier (Ford)

VVC - Variable Voltage Choke (Ford)

VVTS - Variable Valve Timing Sensor

VVV - Vacuum Vent Valve (Ford)

W/B - Wheelbase

WAC - WOT A/C Cutout Relay

WACA - A/C WOT Cutout Relay Monitor

WOT - Wide Open Throttle

WOTV - Wide-Open Throttle Valve (Ford)

WSS - Wheel Speed Sensor

WU OC - Warm Up Oxidation Catalytic Converter

WU TWC - Warm Up Three Way Catalytic Converter

YRS - Yaw Rate Sensor


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