Simple Motorcycle Maintenance Tips

motorcycle maintenance

1. Inspect Your Motorcycle Regularly

Make up a checklist of the important things you should inspect regarding your motorcycle’s safety and performance. Send it to the service center as well every time you cover 5,000 kilometers. Regular visits may cost you a small amount of money but this amount is certainly nothing considering that it’s equivalent to the price of your life!

2. How Oily is Oily?

Make it a habit to check your motorcycle’s oil level when you’ve stopped for gas. While checking the oil, make sure that no foreign material will accidentally fall into your motorcycle’s oil storage compartment. Avoid subjecting your motorcycle to constant exposure to extremely hot or cold weather as this can affect your oil’s quality.

3. Batteries are a Motorcycle’s Best Friend
Do you know that one of the most common causes for motorcycles to cease operating or malfunction is due to battery problems? As such, you need to take excellent care of your battery at all times. Firstly, never remove or replace them if the engine is still running. Do not change batteries by yourself if you don’t have any experience.

4. Adding Fuel to the Fire

An absence of care and precaution can easily add fuel to the fire and lead you to experiencing an unfortunate accident. To avoid fuel troubles, start by learning the various locations and uses of your motorcycle’s fuses. When changing fuses, always subject it to testing to ensure that it’s in good working condition. Damaged fuses put you at the risk of having your motorcycle’s blow up while you’re on the driver seat.

5. Clean Up Your Act

Believe it or not the mere act of cleaning can significantly reduce future maintenance costs and the chances of having an accident while you’re riding your motorcycle. If you do not like the idea of regular cleaning, just think of it as killing two birds with one stone: cleaning will let you enjoy a safer and cooler ride on your bike!

6. Your Motorcycle’s First Aid Kit

Always have a properly equipped toolbox strapped to your motorcycle. Even the world’s slowest and safest driver can still be an unfortunate victim of an accident so having a toolbox will just be your way of preparing for any eventuality!


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